Thursday, October 31, 2019
Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care year 2 Literature review
Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care year 2 - Literature review Example An examination of an array of literature documents various areas of weakness in addressing the problem. However, the literature review also finds that the measures that are often taken are not misinformed, only that they are not all that is required in addressing the problem. In order to deal address cases of alcohol abuse among the youthful population, understanding the causes of alcohol abuse is important. There is the need to understand the causes of alcohol abuse examine the implications of every approach and come up with a regulatory framework that is well informed. Indeed, as highlighted, the most feasible approach of addressing the problem of alcohol abuse amongst the children is that which recognizes the need of adopted concerted approaches, as opposed to inclining only a few approaches. Modifiable risk habits, including smoking, alcohol consumption, drug consumption, bad diet as well as physical inactivity, both personal and collectively, contribute to morbidity as well as death throughout life. Critically, risk habits are common among the children and the urge to engage in habits rises with an increase in age in teenage years, often extending into adulthood. A couple of surveys have illustrated clustering of habits that are risky, and statistics from the United States, Canada and England show that between six and thirteen percent of teenagers smoke daily, imbibe alcohol and consume illegal drugs (Tonkiss, 2004). The crucial question is how these could be addressed. This paper seeks to evaluate the current approaches to alcohol abuse among children in London and proceeds to offer some recommendations about the problem. The cases of alcohol abuse in London, as well as other drugs and other concerns are well documented. Initiation of risk habits at an early stage is connected to indulgence in many risk habits both in early teenage as well as late teenage and simultaneous involvement in such habits during teenage is linked to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Title Primary and Community Care Services need to provide Essay
Title Primary and Community Care Services need to provide comprehensive, integrated and coordinated care for individuals and their families - Essay Example In collaborative healthcare practice in the clinical setting, it can be an action dependent on opinions based on a process of reasoning that builds on academic learning. A multidisciplinary team comprises professionals from different specialities who work as a group towards care to the patient. The main reason for such a care strategy is diversity and complexity of healthcare, rapid advancement of medical specialities in terms of knowledge, technical dexterity of members of the team, enhanced client concerns about health and care, and many other intricate issues in present-day healthcare where no profession has superiority over another across the contexts of healthcare delivery plan to a patient. This is a case study of a patient, whose identity will remain undisclosed in this work for ethical and confidentiality reasons. A nickname, Mrs. Chang will be used throughout the work. This writer had an opportunity to assist in her care while she was admitted to the hospital following a tri p and fall in the shower few days back, and she was admitted to the hospital due to her age of 82, frailty, baseline neurological disorder Parkinsonism with gradually declining cognition and deteriorating mobility, and lack of support at home and community, for further assessment and evaluation. In this work, based on nursing assessment of the case, a nursing discharge plan was enacted and presented with an attempt to critically analyzing the discharge plan based on her needs and at the same time finding evidence from contemporary literature about the justification of the discharge plan in association with other professionals involved in care, coordinated so that the family can participate in the care when the patient is discharged to the community. This condition is characterized by gradual slowing of voluntary movement, muscular rigidity, stooped posture, and distinctive rigid gait. Over and above that, she has evidence of rheumatoid arthritis of both hands. She tripped and fell in the bathroom; this impairment of mobility may get accentuated with her rheumatic disease. A thorough examination of all her joints indicated osteoarthritis and associated osteoporosis, which are age related, and these would further aggravate her problem of mobility. During this admission, she was admitted since she sustained a fall at home in the bathroom, and she had been admitted to the hospital for observation and further evaluation. She had been on ibuprofen. This indicates her baseline chronic pain, which may further compromise her mobility. The impaired mobility was further accentuated by the fact that at home, she stayed with her husband who was older than her by 4 years, who himself might be frail enough to be insufficient to help her out in these activities at home. The discharge plan must include provision for the patient to maintain joint mobility and range of motion while exhibiting adaptive coping behaviour. Improvement in muscle strength and endurance would be the goal. With age, there is baseline muscle wasting from the 50-80 years of age, and this is the result of aging process in the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibilities in Kuwait
Corporate Social Responsibilities in Kuwait Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) are a form of corporate self regulation inducted into business models. The term Corporate Social Responsibilities was coined in the early 1970s that is after many multinational companies were born. CSR policies of corporate organizations are aimed at providing a positive impact of their actions on customers, employees and shareholders. In other words, its goal is to improve the social environment of communities, it is an organizations means of giving back to the community. This improvement is channeled through nurturing growth and development of communities, including elimination of detrimental practices that affect the public sphere. When a company is said to take part in corporate social responsibility, it means that they have ethical, social and moral responsibilities towards the community and society in which they are operating. Another important responsibility include in the CSR is the return given to investors and abiding by the national rules in the business dealings and functions. According to the traditional view of corporate social responsibility, it was related to the key stakeholders of the company only, which are its stockholders or owners. However today the corporate social responsibility of the business is required in every aspect of the business whether they are the suppliers, customers, investors, employees, government, social groups or owners etc (RFB, 2010). 2. Concepts related to Corporate Social Responsibility: There are several concepts and issues that have emerged today related to the corporate social responsibility. The CSR should now be addressed by the companies in various contexts and some of them are illustrated as follows: 2.1 SOCIAL ISSUES Due to the operation of the businesses having different internal environment and different cultural values, several social issues can emerge. Some of the social issues that emerge are mainly because of the operations of the business. The social issues would include all type of problems that can arise in a society because of the business. These can be environmental e.g pollution because of business operations, the cultural issues, ethical issues or technological issues etc. 2.2 CSR related to Stakeholders: Any individuals, organization, societies or elements of the environment that have a stake in the company and is affected by as well as affects the business is known as its stakeholder. Businesses have a number of stakeholders and it must ensure that the rights of all the stakeholders are delivered to them. For example the workforce of the company has some legal rights as well ethically and morally the company should give the workforce some rights related to the operations of the business. For example In a firm, the health and safety of the employee is the legal responsibility as well as the ethical responsibility of the organizations. The companies have various stakeholders as mentioned before. The stakeholders can be further categorized as the primary stakeholders and the secondary stakeholders. The primary stakeholders of the company are the ones that can impact the organizations business operations. While the secondary stakeholders are the one that can have both direct and indirect impact on the operations of a business. The primary ones are said to have a direct stake and these include the employees, the suppliers, communities, the customers, regulatory bodies, future generations, shareholders, government and business partners etc. even the nature and the environment that a company can have an effect on are a part of its primary stakeholders. The secondary stakeholders even if do not have a direct stake but can be positively or negatively affect by the decisions or operations of the company. These include the interest groups, social groups, political groups etc. The rights of the primary stakeholders of a company are often protected by the laws because they often have a legal link and have a direct connection with each other. on the other hand, the secondary stakeholders might not have legal rights and privileges but the Equity holders are the main stakeholders of any concern. Every organization has to fulfill some is a moral and legal duties and rights of their respective owners. Some of these include, seeking to make sure that the prime stakeholders receive an adequate return on what they have invested in the firm. This is not the only right but the basic right. Besides, the owner, employees are also major players in the business, they also have both moral and legal requirements that the firm must meet. The businesses also have a special obligation to its customers in connection with the marketing, advertising, production and quality of products. The products are also expect to offer functionality, safety and value of local communities. All these duties listed for the firm to follow can significantly affect the activities of national organizations and therefore a direct participation in their activities and other enterprises to do business with. Many social commentators also suggest that companies are directly responsible for future generations and wildlife. 2.3 Environmental Issues. Companies have long been criticized for their negative impact on the natural environment in which they operate. The negative impact of the firm on the environment can be related to terms natural resources and pollution and global warming. In many of the organizations there are no proper systems for waste management. Many firms use fossil fuels that release high quantity of carbon dioxide that is said to be one of the bigger contributors of global warming, and there are social pressure on government and businesses to meet strict standards for environmental and be volunteers in the change process of production which would be less damaging to the environment. Other issues related to the natural environment include acid rain, waste disposal, deforestation, and soil degradation. (Environmental leader, 2010).If an organization does not comply with the standards of environmental responsibility then they not just lose their respect in the eyes of the customers but also face opposition from g overnment, NGOs and various pressure groups. 2.4 Global Issues. More and more organizations today operate in a global environment. The globalization of trade seems to be an irreversible trend, but there are many opponents to it. Critics point out that globalization leads to exploitation in developing countries and workers, environmental degradation and increasing human rights violations. They also argue that globalization benefits mainly the wealthy, widening the gap between rich and poor. Proponents of globalization argue that open markets lead to an increased standard of living for all, higher wages for workers worldwide, and economic development in poor countries. Many large multinational companies are in scope and will continue to face legal, social and ethical issues posed by the increasing globalization of trade. 2.5 Technology Issues Another contemporary social problems relating to technology and its impact on society. For example, the Internet has opened up many new opportunities for marketing goods and services, but also opened up new opportunities for abuse of the companies. Issues of privacy and security of confidential information is handled. Biotechnology companies face issues regarding the use of embryonic stem cells, genetic engineering and cloning. All these things are ethical and social implications. As technological capabilities continue to advance, it is likely that the liability of companies in this sector will increase significantly. Research shows that companies are developing a reputation for being socially responsive and ethical enjoy better performance. But the final motivation for companies to engage in corporate social responsibility should not be an economic motive, but the moral and ethical. (RFB, 2010). 3. Corporate Social Responsibility in Kuwait: CSR is a tool that aids the organization on its mission and serves as dynamic guide as to the organizations principles. There is no formal act of legislation pertaining to CSR; however ISO 26000 is considered as an International Standard for CSR. Public sector organizations adopt the triple bottom line policy; People, Planet, Profit. Along with the mushrooming of multinational companies the scrutiny of their business activities have also increased. This means that organizations who adopt CSR policies have a greater chance of survival. Adoption of corporate responsibility supports business objectives; it results in increase in compliance, reputation and relationships which in turn increase shareholder value and profitability of the company. The International Business Report (IBR) 2008 states the three major reasons for incorporation of CSR in businesses are; Recruitment/Retention of Staff at 65%, Cost Management at 63% and Public attitudes/building brand at 56%. Other reasons perceived to promote CSR are tax reliefs that are provided by the government and investor relations. Tax reliefs are a tool that governments possess by which it may force a change in the attitudes of companies. This tool can be used to force companies to incorporate a CSR policy in their business models. Investors of the company have an impor tant say within company matters. Multinational companies are on the look for local and foreign investors. This provides Investor an edge to influence companies to adopt CSR plans. The Kuwait CSR conference, which is held annually, promotes incorporation of CSR within businesses and also discusses the performance enhancement that CSR offers. A CSR award ceremony held annually in Kuwait to appreciate the contributions made by organizations to Kuwaiti communities. This awards event honors companies for their achievements on the CSR front. Both the conference and award ceremony encourage organizations to adopt a CSR policy. A report by International Business Machines (IBM) Institute for Business Value voiced that companies are viewing CSR as a growth opportunity rather than a policy concerning regulatory-compliance or philanthropic issue. The report further states that 68% of the companies that were surveyed had interest in generating revenue through CSR based activities. Customer concern is considered to be the chief driver of CSR actions however 76% of companies state that they dont completely understand the customers CSR concerns while 16% of organizations claimed that they are able to engage with customers regarding CSR activities. The three major domains which have received contributions from organizations are health care, education and financing aid and charitable trusts. Within the health care domain, organizations sponsor construction of hospitals, medical centers as well as purchasing of equipment. Corporations also design programs that increase awareness of diseases and disorders among the population. In 1999, a telecommunications company; Zain, sponsored and supervised the construction of Sabah Ear-Nose-Throat Hospital. The Kuwaiti Projects Company (KIPCO) initiated a dyslexia campaign. The goal of the campaign was to increase awareness of dyslexia among students and professional alike. For this deed, KIPCO was honored with CSR award. The Annual report of Kuwait Finance House (KFH) 2007 highlighted that the organization provided KD 1.250 million to Bait Al-Zakat (Kuwait Zakat House), increases the provisions allocated for the construction of 15 ambulance centers on the motorways worth KD 1.450 million. The second major domain covered by organizations is education. Organizations aim to educate the local communities not only in traditional educational settings but also in educating in awareness of pollution of the environment, development of discipline and personal skills in young individuals, providing training to young professionals through internships. A Kuwait based multinational petrochemical company; EQUATE, sponsors educational programs, research programs and provides scholarships and awards for higher education. The company not only reaches out to students and educational institutes but also believes in knowledge transfer to regional companies. EQUATE also initiated the pollution free Kuwait campaign whose aims were to decrease the level of pollution in Kuwait and to create awareness of the effects of pollution within the masses (KMPG, 2010). The third area is that of financing relief efforts and charitable trust. Organizations donate allocated funds to trusts from their own accounts. Companies also allot a fixed portion of a sale towards charity. For Example, on the sale of a cell phone a company may forward 5% of its profit to chosen charity .Kuwait airways coupled with Kuwait Red Crescent to provide relief for the less privileged. This association resulted in the launch of a relief project Balsam, whose goals were to provide remedial measures for the needy. The collection of donations for this project is unique in its manner. Kuwait airways collected foreign currency donations from its passengers. These currencies were then forwarded to Kuwait Red Crescent where they were utilized as needed. Even though the report published by IBM Institute of for Business Value highlights that CSR is not focusing on compliance but on generation of revenue streams. The incorporation of CSR in local and multinational companies in Kuwait has provided a positive outlook to social activities. This not only has increased faith of the consumers within the companies but also has proven a source of proper ethical behavior for the companies themselves. 4. Example of Corporate social Responsibility in Kuwait: The Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) long been a leader in addressing environmental sustainability issues. In early 1990, Kuwait in front of the worst environmental disaster in recent history, in the wake of the late Iraqi government on the country. Oil wells and gathering centers were in flames, and the uncontrolled flow of oil was filled with hundreds of huge oil lakes and miles and miles of shoreline contamination. It was imperative that the countrys oil infrastructure can be restored and its environment. Today, Kuwait has the worlds seventh largest oil exporter and holds approximately 10% of global oil reserves. KOC is the effective management of oil and gas upstream, acting in Kuwait and the storage of crude oil and deliver it to the tank for export. Significantly, KOC has also helped to clean and protect the environment, embracing corporate social responsibility and the launch of a series of bold initiatives on sustainability, using the latest technologies and industry best practices. Emissions monitoring for regulatory compliance and CSR Kuwait KOC EPA Data from multiple sources while minimizing the Rolling risk of errors or omissions Provide an accurate analysis in real time which translates into better decisions faster Overall 90% reduction in time spent on emissions data collection, processing and reporting from various systems Saved weeks of work and improved accuracy by automating the deployment analysis of corporate sustainability reporting in Gift HSE staff to focus on higher value tasks and increase productivity Koc Health, Safety and Environment Group uses essential result in multiple production facilities, with an unlimited number of users accessing the system via a software-as-a-Service or SaaS implementation is supported by BP Consultancy (PCB ). KOC and the PCB has started using the essential Air module to collect and manage air emissions data Standardization of data, coding data, models, process flows, data models and other functions to generate a wide range of reports and update system dashboards KOC. In the process, KOC not only fulfill its commitments to corporate responsibility, he also streamline the critical operations of the company.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Supporting Ban on Pete Rose from Baseball Hall of Fame Essay examples -
What has the game of baseball meant for Americans? For many baseball is a game of integrity, honesty, and without a doubt skill. When one of these factors is allowed to overtake the other it leaves the game unbalanced with lost priorities. Like everything else in life, baseball has rules and regulations which should be followed and enforced. The Baseball Hall of Fame honors persons who have excelled in playing, managing, and serving the sport. Having ten years of experience in the game and five years of retirement players who pass a screening committee become eligible to be voted into the Hall of Fame. The main discussion now is whether or not to allow Pete Rose into the Baseball Hall of Fame, after betting on baseball while he was a player and manager of the Cincinnati Reds. There are several regulations which ban certain individuals from acceptance into the Hall of Fame such as Rule 21. Pete Rose wouldn't be the first person who has been banned from baseball. Allowing Pete Rose into the hall of fame would deface the integrity of the game. Pete Rose was with out a doubt an outstanding baseball player. Having the highest number of hits ,4,256, in the history of baseball while playing for the Cincinnati Reds making him a great candidate for the Hall of Fame. After retiring in 1986 he became the manager for the Cincinnati Reds during 1987 and 1988 (). While he was managing the Cincinnati Reds he was investigated and was found guilty of gambling on the game. Discovered evidence shows that Rose began betting in the fall of 1984. When Rose was first confronted with this offense he denied all charges and swore under oath that he had never bet on Major League Baseball or had any sort of affiliation with anyone w... ...the responsibility to manage a team of drug-enhanced players and pain-killer abusing pitchers. Until baseball finds its lost priorities it has lost respect and is going to represent a sport of players who would rather sell their souls, and get a way with it, than to be true honest ball players. Pete Rose should not be allowed back in baseball and definitely not in the Hall of Fame. He should at least have the mentality of a ten year old in having the ability distinct what is right from wrong. Not only has he degraded the game but allowing him back into baseball would degrade the sport and the Hall of Fame itself making it degrading as well as unfair for those who are already in the Hall of Fame. How has our nations favorite past time mutated into something that we can't even believe or even have enough trust in our player's integrity for the game to be honest?
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How Compromises Failed to Prevent the Civil War Essay
As tensions between the North and the South rose on the issues of slavery and statesââ¬â¢ rights, numerous compromises were proposed to ease the conflict. Such compromises included the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, and the Crittenden Compromise. These compromises had intentions of defining where slavery was permitted and clarifying statesââ¬â¢ rights. They were only temporary fixes to a more pressing issue. Between the Missouri Compromise and the Crittenden Compromise, a series of events changed the political atmosphere of the United States and prevented any more compromises on the institution of slavery from being passed. In the years leading up to the Civil War, numerous laws were passed that not only prevented slavery from expanding to the North, but also limited statesââ¬â¢ rights. The Missouri Compromise was one of the first to do so. Senator Henry Clay arranged an imaginary latitude line at 36à °30ââ¬â¢ North and slavery above this line was prohibited, while territories south of this line were permitted to have slaves. This limited the South from further expanding slavery to new territories. Pro-slavery Southerners felt a bias in the political system because Congress now had the power to exclude slavery from U.S. territories. Southern states believed that this power was reserved for them and by proclaiming the 36à °30ââ¬â¢ North latitude line, the federal government exercised unconstitutional power. The Dred Scott decision further supported the clause that the issue of slavery was reserved for the state government. Despite this, the South realized that the North and its anti-slavery views were gaining ground, while the North believed that the Dred Scott ruling limited its power. The Compromise of 1850 shifted the political landscape even more. California sought to be admitted to the Union as a free state, and the Wilmot Proviso suggested that the newly acquired land from the Mexican War was to be free as well. The South was concerned that admission of more free states would offset the balance of representation in Congress. At the same time, the Northerners feared that the revised Fugitive Slave Act was a step towards a slave power conspiracy. Prior to the revision, Northern states such as Missouri and Wisconsin passed personal liberty laws that ultimately nullified the Fugitive Slave Acts of 1793. The U. S. Supreme Court ruling of Prigg v. Pennsylvania weakened the Acts of 1793 even further by asserting that States did not have to aid in the capture of runaway slaves. Eventually the Compromise of 1850 was passed in separate parts and many assumed that it would be the longstanding answer to slavery in the States. In 1854, the Kansas-Nebraska Act tipped the delicate balance of statesââ¬â¢ rights in the Compromise of 1850. Senator Henry Clay proposed the notion of popular sovereignty to determine whether these States would be free or slave states. This consequently repealed the Missouri Compromise by allowing slavery to spread North of the Missouri Compromise latitude line if popular sovereignty called for it. Popular sovereignty led to a series of deadly confrontations, known as Bleeding Kansas, between anti-slavery Free-Staters and pro-slavery Border Ruffians. In an attempt to establish Kansas as a free state, anti-slavery organizations such as the New England Emigrant Aid Company convinced thousands of anti-slavery Northerners to settle in the new territory for the sole purpose of casting anti-slavery ballots. The Southerners viewed this as a threat to slavery and established their own counter movement. After the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the events that ensued, the Whig party disintegrated because the sectionalizing effects on slavery could no longer maintain a party comprised of those who were pro-slavery, anti-slavery, and indifferent to slavery. Thus, Bleeding Kansas effectively split the nation into two major political parties: the Republicans in the North and the Democrats in the South. The Republican Party was composed of former Whigs and members of other anti-slavery parties, such as the Liberty Party. Most members of this party were anti-slavery who held a moderate view that failed to classify them as abolitionists. They were opposed to the expansion of slavery and called for Congress to prevent the further expansion of slavery into new territories. They believed that by confining slavery to its current boundaries, it would gradually be eradicated. The formation of the Republican Party was one of the primary reasons of how the political landscape changed in the Union. Throughout this time, the North was growing rapidly due to its industrial economy. They had more railroad mileage, industry, income, population, and ultimately more representation in Congress. In addition, the South was subject to high tariff laws that made it very hard for southern farmers to trade internationally. The result was a strong centralized government in the North, and an agrarian culture in the South that was solely dependent on slavery. Any attack against the institution of slavery in the South could potentially disintegrate the states in the South. In 1859, this fear became a reality as John Brown, an extreme abolitionist, led a raid on at Harpers Ferry. Although this uprising was brought down and denounced by Northern Republicans, slave owners believed that all abolitionists and Northerners shared the same radical views as John Brown. With the emergence of new political parties and the growing support for the Republicans in the North, the campaign of 1860 was the major turning point in the political atmosphere. In May of that year, Abraham Lincoln was nominated at the Republican National Convention as the presidential candidate. The Republican platform had moderate anti-slavery views and endorsed means of promoting industry. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, continued to support their doctrine of popular sovereignty. However, Northern and Southern Democrats interpreted this notion independently. Northern Democrats assumed that under popular sovereignty, slavery would not expand because Free-Staters could quickly settle in the West and thereby claiming the land as free. Southern Democrats assumed the same principle, except instead of free settlers, slaveholders would be able to quickly settle in new territories with their slaves and claim the land as slave territory. This ultimately resulted in the schism of the Democratic Party. At two separate conventions, the Northern Democratic wing nominated Stephen Douglass and supported the doctrine of popular sovereignty, while the Southern wing nominated John Breckinridge and supported the notion that slaveholders were allowed to bring their slaves and claim the land as slave holding. To make the campaign of 1860 more complicated, another political party took its roots, namely the Constitutional Union Party. Composed of conservative members of the Whig and Know Nothing Parties, they nominated John Bell as their presidential candidate. This led to essentially two separate elections: Lincoln versus Douglas in the North, and Breckinridge versus Bell in the South. Perhaps the most controversial issue was the fact that although Lincoln did not appear on the ballot in most Southern states, he was declared the sixteenth President despite not carrying a single southern state. This indicated that the national political system was failing and that the South no longer had an influential role in the government. Despite Lincolnââ¬â¢s assurance that it was not his policy to abolish slavery, Southerners referred back to Harperââ¬â¢s Raid and failed to eed Lincolnââ¬â¢s message. This drastic shift in political atmosphere following the Compromise of 1850 and the 1860 Presidential election resulted in the inability to accept any compromises. The South believed they no longer had a voice in the government and believed that this would inevitably lead to the abolishment of slavery by the Northern majority in Congress. The South was dependent on slavery for income, so they could not afford to switch to a system of free labor. The Crittenden Compromise is a prime example of how a Northern, anti-slavery view rejected any compromises made by the South. Evidently, this led to the secession of Southern states. Northerners and Southerners were able to accept compromises made regarding slavery prior to the Presidential election of 1860. However, as the Northernerââ¬â¢s fear of a slave power rose so did the Southernerââ¬â¢s fear of a centralized government that would abolish slavery. Events like Bleeding Kansas and Harperââ¬â¢s Raid increased tensions between slaveholders and non-slaveholders. In the end, they realized that slavery could no longer remain issue that could be compromised on. In 1845, the Republic of Texas was annexed and admitted to the Union as the 28th state. Following the Mexican War, the issue of slavery in the newly acquired land caused fierce debates among politicians. Southern Democrats were heavily influenced by Manifest Destiny, and hoped acquire new slave-owning territory, while those in the North feared the rise of a Slave Power. The House of Representatives passed the Wilmot Proviso, which stated that slavery was prohibited in any territory acquired from Mexico. However, the Senate failed to pass the proviso due to an overwhelming pro-slavery opinion. wever, Senator Stephen A. Douglas passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and consequently repealed the Missouri Compromise by allowing slavery north of the latitude line. The notion of popular sovereignty led to a series of deadly confrontations, known as Bleeding Kansas, between anti-slavery Free-Staters and pro-slavery Border Ruffians. In an attempt to establish Kansas as a free state, anti-slavery organizations such as the New England Emigrant Aid Company convinced thousands of anti-slavery Northerners to settle in the new territory for the sole purpose of casting anti-slavery ballots. The Southerners viewed this as a threat to slavery and established their own counter movement. Initially, the Border Ruffians won the election and drafted a pro-slavery constitution for the territory of Kansas. In response, Free-Staters drafted the Topeka constitution and formed a shadow government. In 1857, another constitutional convention met and drafted the Lecompton Constitution, which was heavily opposed by abolitionists. This eventually gave way to the Wyandotte Constitution, which was ultimately approved by the Senate and admitted Kansas as a free state. The unfailing anti-slavery voice in Kansas Election of Lincoln (republican, northerner, antislave person) = south would lose more power in congress Less population in south = less representation Shifting political landscape any territory above this line was prohibited to have slavery. Territories south of this line were permitted to have slaves. This was evident when a compromise was made in 1860.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 28
I Will Have to Require a First-Place Victory ââ¬Å"Question number one,â⬠my father says. ââ¬Å"How many touchdowns will McNabb throw against the Saints?â⬠I can hardly believe I am actually eating a sit-down meal with my father. Mom smiles at me as she winds spaghetti around her fork. She even shoots me a wink. Now don't get me wrong, I am happy that Mom's plan has worked out, and I am delighted to be eating a meal with my father, having a conversation even ââ¬â and I am especially happy to see my parents playing with love again ââ¬â but I also know my father, and I worry that a single Eagles loss will turn Dad back into a grump. I worry for Mom, but decide to ride out the moment. ââ¬Å"Ten touchdowns,â⬠I tell my father. Dad smiles, pops a small sausage into his mouth, chews enthusiastically, and then tells my mother, ââ¬Å"Pat says ten touchdowns.â⬠ââ¬Å"Maybe eleven,â⬠I add, just to be optimistic. ââ¬Å"Question number two. How many touchdowns will undrafted rookie sensation Hank Baskett catch?â⬠Now, I fully realize that Baskett has only caught one TD in the first five games, but I also know my family is being overly optimistic tonight, so I say, ââ¬Å"Seven.â⬠ââ¬Å"Seven?â⬠Dad says, but smiling. ââ¬Å"Seven.â⬠ââ¬Å"He says seven, Jeanie. Seven!â⬠To me Dad says, ââ¬Å"Question number three. In what quarter will quarterback Drew Brees finally suffer a concussion because he has been sacked so many times by the Eagles' superior defense?â⬠ââ¬Å"Um. That's a tough one. The third quarter?â⬠ââ¬Å"That is incorrect,â⬠my father says, shaking his head in mock disappointment. ââ¬Å"First quarter is the correct answer. Question four. When are you going to bring home that broad you're always running with? When are you going to introduce your girlfriend to your father?â⬠When Dad finishes asking question four, he slurps a load of spaghetti into his mouth and then begins chewing. When I fail to respond, he encourages me with his left hand, tracing invisible circles with his index finger. ââ¬Å"Did you see that Pat found his wedding pictures and put them back up in the living room?â⬠Mom says, and her voice sort of quivers. ââ¬Å"Jake told me you were over Nikki,â⬠Dad says. ââ¬Å"He said you were into this Tiffany broad. No?â⬠ââ¬Å"May I be excused?â⬠I ask my mother, because my little scar is itching, and I feel as though I might explode if I don't start banging my fist against my forehead. When my mother nods, I see sympathy in her eyes, which I appreciate. I lift for a few hours, until I no longer feel the need to punch myself. In the new reflector vest my mother has recently bought for me, I run through the night. I was going to open Tiffany's letter this evening because I was so excited about having dinner with my father, but now I know I am most definitely not in a good mood, so opening the letter would be a violation of the rules Tiffany clearly laid out for me two nights ago. I almost opened the letter last night, when I was in an excellent mood, but it hadn't been forty-eight hours. As I run, I try to think about Nikki and the end of apart time, which always makes me feel better. I pretend that God has made a bet with me and if I run fast enough, He will bring Nikki back, so I begin sprinting the last two miles of my run. Soon I'm running so fast, it's amazing ââ¬â faster than any human being has ever run before. In my mind I hear God tell me I have to do the last mile in under four minutes, which I know is almost impossible, but for Nikki I try. I run even faster, and when I am a block away, I hear God counting down from ten in my mind. ââ¬Å"Five ââ¬â four ââ¬â three ââ¬â two ââ¬â â⬠And when my right foot lands on the first concrete square of my parents' sidewalk, God says ââ¬Å"One,â⬠which means I ran fast enough ââ¬â that I made it home before God said ââ¬Å"Zero.â⬠I am so happy. I am so impossibly happy! My parents' bedroom door is closed when I go upstairs, so I shower and then slip under my comforter. I pull Tiffany's envelope from under the mattress of my bed. I take a deep breath. I open the letter. As I read the several typed pages, my mind explodes with conflicting emotions and awful needs. Pat, Read this letter start to finish! Do not make any decisions until you have read the entire letter! Do not read this letter unless you are alone! Do not show this letter to anyone! When you have finished reading this letter, burn it ââ¬â immediately! Do you ever feel like you're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks? Well, there was nothing I could do to bring my Tommy back, and the inability to accept his death kept me ill for two whole years ââ¬â but then you came into my life. Why? At first I thought, God is sending me a new man, a replacement for my Tommy, which made me mad, because Tommy is irreplaceable (no offense). But when I listened to the way you talked about Nikki, I realized God had sent you to me so I might help you find the end of apart time. This was to be my mission. And so I have been working on it. ââ¬Å"What?â⬠I can hear you saying right now. ââ¬Å"How can my friend Tiffany end apart time?â⬠Well, this is the part that might make you mad. Are you ready, Pat? Brace yourself. I've been talking to your Nikki on the phone ââ¬â regularly. Every night for the past two weeks. I got the phone number from Veronica, who ââ¬â through Ronnie's conversations with your mom ââ¬â has been providing Nikki with information about you ever since you were permanently assigned to that neural health facility in Baltimore. It turns out that your family banned Nikki from obtaining information about you, which they could do because Nikki divorced you soon after you were permanently admitted. I know this bit of news has most likely upset you terribly. Sorry, but it's best just to state things plainly at this point. Don't you think? Okay, this next part is bad too. Nikki was able to divorce you because you committed a crime, which you do not remember. (I am not going to tell you what that crime was, because you have probably blocked it from your memory intentionally; most likely, you are not yet mentally ready to deal with this very frightening reality. My therapist Dr. Lily and I theorize that you will remember committing this crime when you are mentally and emotionally ready.) Nikki was granted a divorce and all your assets, and in exchange, someone else dropped all charges against you. Of course, the deal also sent you to the bad place indefinitely for ââ¬Å"rehabilitation.â⬠You agreed to all of the above at the time and were deemed to be ââ¬Å"of sound mindâ⬠by your therapist Dr. Timbers, but soon after being put away for good, you ââ¬Å"lostâ⬠your memory and your marbles as well. I am not telling you all of this to be mean ââ¬â quite the contrary. Remember, God put me in charge of helping you end apart time. It turns out Nikki has wanted to communicate with you very much. She misses you. This is not to say she wants to marry you all over again. I want to be clear about this. She still remembers what you did ââ¬â the crime you committed. And she is a little afraid of you as well, as she fears you might be mad at her and want to retaliate. But she was married to you for years and she wants to see you well, and maybe even become friends again. I have reported your desire to reconcile with Nikki. To be honest, your desire is much stronger than hers. But you never know what might happen if you begin to communicate again. Two problems: One. After you committed that crime, Nikki took out a restraining order against you, so technically it is illegal for you to contact her. Two. Your parents ââ¬â on your behalf, and probably in retaliation ââ¬â took out a restraining order against Nikki, claiming any contact she made could jeopardize your mental health. So it is also illegal for her to contact you. Even still, Nikki would like to communicate with you, if only to smooth over what happened. Her guilt is glaring. She walked away with all your assets, and you had to spend years in a mental institution, right? So. Coming to the point. I am offering myself as a liaison. The two of you can communicate through me, and there will be no trouble. You will be able to write Nikki letters ââ¬â one every two weeks. I will read these letters to Nikki over the phone. She will be able to dictate her responses to me, again over the phone, which I will type up on my laptop, print out, and present to you. Pat, we are friends, and I value our friendship very much. That having been said, you must appreciate that what I am offering puts me in a very precarious position. If you decide to take me up on my offer, I would be putting myself at risk legally, and also I would be jeopardizing our friendship. I need to inform you that I will not be your liaison for free, but am offering you a trade. What do I want? Remember when I said I was scouting you? Well, I want to win this year's Dance Away Depression competition, and I need a strong man to do it. ââ¬Å"What is Dance Away Depression?â⬠I hear you asking. Well ââ¬â it is an annual competition organized by the Philadelphia Psychiatric Association that allows women diagnosed with clinical depression to transform their despair into movement. The sole focus is supposed to be diminishing depression through use of the body, but judges award a wreath of flowers to the second-best dance routine and a golden trophy to the first-place dance routine. Dancing solo, I have won that fucking wreath two years straight, and this year I want to win the golden trophy. This is where you figure in, Pat. God sent me the strongest man I have ever met in my entire life; tell me this isn't divine intervention. Only a man with your muscles could perform the type of lifts I have in mind ââ¬â award-winning lifts, Pat. The competition will be held at the Plaza Hotel in center city, on a Saturd ay night ââ¬â November 11th. Which gives us just under a month to practice. I know the routine already, but you'll be starting from scratch, and we both will have to practice the lifts. This will take a lot of time. I told Nikki about my conditions, and she wants to encourage you to be my dance partner. She says you need to broaden your interests, and that she had always wanted to take dance lessons with you. So it is more than okay with her; she encourages you to do this. Also, I'm afraid I will have to require a first-place victory in exchange for being your liaison. Lucky for you, the routine I have choreographed is first-rate. But in order to win, you will have to immerse yourself in dance. Below are the non-negotiable conditions. Should you decide to be my dance partner, you will: Give up Eagles football for the duration of our training. No going to games. No watching games on television. No discussing Eagles football with anyone. No reading the sports pages. You may not even wear your beloved Baskett jersey. End your weight training by two o'clock each afternoon, at which point we will go for a five-mile run, after which we will rehearse from 4:15 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on weekdays. On weekends we will rehearse from 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. No exceptions. Make sure at least 15 of your friends and relatives attend the dance recital, because the judges are often swayed by applause. Do whatever I say without asking any questions. Assure I win the competition. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Tell no one about our arrangement. You can tell people you are training for a dance competition, but you cannot tell anyone about my demands and my contacting Nikki on your behalf ââ¬â never ever. Should you meet all six demands, I will act as a liaison between Nikki and you; I will attempt to end apart time, and then who knows what will happen between you and your ex-wife. If you fail to meet my demands, I am afraid you might never talk to Nikki again. She says this is your only shot. Contact me within 24 hours with your decision. Reread my list of demands, memorize each, and then burn this letter. Remember, if you want me to be your liaison, tell no one I am in contact with Nikki. With best intentions, Tiffany I reread the letter over and over all night. Parts I do not want to believe are true ââ¬â especially the parts about my committing a crime and Nikki divorcing me, which are ideas that make me feel like smashing my fist against my forehead. What type of crime would put me in such a situation, and who would drop charges when I checked myself into a neural health facility? I can understand Nikki's divorcing me because I was a bad husband, especially because, well, I was a bad husband. But I have a hard time believing I actually committed a crime that could result in such drastic legal measures. And yet Tiffany's letter seems to explain so much ââ¬â my mother's taking down my wedding pictures, all the awful things Jake and Dad said about Nikki. If I am really divorced, everything my family has done to keep Nikki out of my memory would have been for my protection, especially since they are not optimistic enough to realize that I am not dead and therefore still have at least a shot at getting Nikki back, which I don't have to tell you is the silver lining to the letter. Of course, I cannot be sure about anything, since I have no memory of the past few years. Maybe Tiffany made up the story just to get me to perform in her dance competition. This is possible. I certainly would not have volunteered to be her partner, even if I am practicing being kind now. I realize that Tiffany's letter might be a trick, but the possibility of communicating with Nikki is too good to chance ââ¬â as it may be my last opportunity. Also, Tiffany's mentioning God's will seems to suggest that she understands what apart time is all about. It makes sense that Nikki would want me to take dancing lessons. She always wanted me to dance with her, but I never did. The thought of dancing with Nikki in the future is enough to make me accept that I will be missing the three Eagles games before the bye week, including the home game against Jacksonville. I think about how angry this will make my father, Jake, and maybe even Cliff, but then I think about the possibility of finally living out the happy ending to my movie ââ¬â getting Nikki back ââ¬â and the choice is obvious. When the sun comes up, I open the window in the downstairs bathroom, burn the letter over the toilet, and flush the charred remains. Next, I run across Knight's Park, jog around the Websters' house, and knock on Tiffany's door. She answers in a red silk nightgown, squinting at me. ââ¬Å"Well?â⬠ââ¬Å"When do we start training?â⬠I ask. ââ¬Å"Are you ready to commit fully? Ready to give up every-thing ââ¬â even Eagles football?â⬠I nod eagerly. ââ¬Å"Only I can't miss my therapy sessions on Fridays, because some judge will send me back to the bad place if I do, and then we won't be able to win the competition.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'll be outside your house tomorrow at two o'clock,â⬠Tiffany says, and then shuts the door. The first floor of Tiffany's in-law suite is a dance studio. All four walls are completely covered by full-length mirrors, and three have railings like you see ballerinas using. The floor is hardwood, like a pro-basketball court, only without any painted lines and with a lighter varnish. The ceiling is high, maybe thirty feet tall, and a spiral staircase in the corner leads to Tiffany's apartment. ââ¬Å"I had this built when Tommy died,â⬠Tiffany says. ââ¬Å"I used the insurance money. Do you like my studio?â⬠I nod. ââ¬Å"Good, because it's going to be home for the next month. Did you bring your photograph?â⬠I open the bag that Tiffany instructed me to bring and pull out my framed picture of Nikki; I show it to Tiffany, and then she walks over to the stereo system behind the spiral staircase. From an iron hook on the wall she removes a pair of headphones ââ¬â the kind that cover your entire ears like earmuffs ââ¬â and brings them to me. A very long cord is attached. ââ¬Å"Sit,â⬠she says. I drop to the floor and sit with my legs crossed. ââ¬Å"I'm going to play our song, the one we are going to dance to. It's important that you feel a deep connection with this song. It needs to move you if it's going to flow through your body. I've picked this song for a reason. It's perfect for both of us, which you'll soon see. When I put the headphones on you, I want you to stare into Nikki's eyes. I want you to feel the song. Understand?â⬠ââ¬Å"It's not a song played by a soprano saxophonist, is it?â⬠I ask, because Kenny G is my nemesis, as you know. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠she says, and then places the headphones on my ears. My ears are enveloped in the padding. Wearing the headphones makes me feel as if I am alone in this large room, even though if I look up, Tiffany will be there. With the frame in my hands, I stare into Nikki's eyes, and soon the song begins to play. Piano notes ââ¬â slow and sad. Two voices taking turns singing. Pain. I know the song. Tiffany was right. It is the perfect song for both of us. The song builds, the voices become more emotional, and everything inside of my chest starts to hurt. The words express exactly what I have felt since I was released from the bad place. And by the chorus, I am sobbing, because the woman singing seems to feel exactly what I am feeling, and her words, and her emotion, and her voice â⬠¦ The song ends with the same sad piano notes that began the number. I look up and realize that Tiffany has been watching me cry, and I begin to feel embarrassed. I set my photo of Nikki down on the floor and cover my face with my hands. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry. Just give me a second.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's good that the song makes you cry, Pat. Now we just have to transform those tears into motion. You need to cry through your dancing? Understand?â⬠I do not understand, but I nod anyway.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
16 Creative Writing Exercises Guaranteed to Jumpstart Inspiration
16 Creative Writing Exercises Guaranteed to Jumpstart Inspiration The Muse, inspiration, creative energy- its called several things but rarely is it called easy, and any writer who has chased it without success knows exactly what I mean.When the dreaded writers block happens, writing exercises are a great way to induce creativity and can provide the jumpstart needed to chase the Muse down at will. Here are a few creative writing exercises for you to try that will hopefully do just that. Happy writing!Developing your descriptive writing skills is necessary for writing in almost every genre, and a good way to do it is to imagine scenes from different perspectives. For example, a bank robbery is taking place and you are on the floor. Describe what you see from that vantage point. Then go back and describe that exact same scene from the robbers point of view.Much of creative energy is about willing an idea into being, whether its an idea for a story or turning a music hook into a song. Think of a creative goal you want to achieve- be it a book, a poem, a collection of photographs or a song- and give it a name. Now write a press release about it. Be sure to include details in your press release about your creative process and how long it took you to finish the project. And for those of you who havent written press releases, CoSchedule blog has a great page with writing tips and example templates to use.The word count of a project changes how you write it and the writing techniques you use. Its good to practice writing at different word count requirements so you can begin to see which words you use that are extraneous, and how certain words stand out as encapsulating the project as a whole. Heres a great way to practice it: Describe a vivid memory from your childhood using 150 words. Then rewrite the same memory with 20 words. Now rewrite it again with three words and finally, one.A lot of the challenge to writing is just getting started, which is why using writing prompts and sentence starters is a great way to get past that hurdl e. This post has 301 writing prompts and story ideas that are guaranteed to kick your writing into high gear.Seeing things from alternate points of view is something we all have difficulty with- its human nature to be focused in on your own experience rather than anothers. To practice imagining a scene from alternate points of view, pick a setting and three characters who will be in that setting. Determine their names, their occupations, their appearance and what motivates them most. Now describe the setting from each characters perspective. When you read back through your drafts, be sure to note the subtle and not-so-subtle ways you shifted perspectives in the process. Which do you think were more convincing?Pacing and suspense are two facets of writing that can make or break a story. The authors who get these right end up on New York Times bestseller lists because readers love a book that they cant put down. To practice your own skills at pacing and suspense, write a scene from fi rst-person point of view where you wake up in a room you dont recognize and try to find a way out. In the meantime, you pass by a mirror and something catches you by surprise; what is it? Now end the story there.The power of observation can turn a mediocre writer into a great one. To practice your own observation skills, study a stranger for several minutes and then write their biography. Be sure to include key details that happened from birth to the present moment.Sensory details create depth to any story or character and should be used often in good writing. To practice exploring sensory details, determine five separate locations that you know well. If you can actually be in these five locations while doing this creative writing exercise, thats even better. For each location, write out the five senses and then lists underneath each one that describe the setting. For example, a bar might have the following:see (glasses, door, flashing sign)hear (laughter, glasses hitting against ea ch other, Chris Stapleton singing)taste (cold beer, salty peanuts, greasy fries)touch (crowd pressed together, the feel of glass against my lips)smell (smoke from the kitchen, spilled alcohol, old beer)Stream of consciousness writing can be a powerful way to find the right words when the right ones are elusive. Along with that, its an effective way to tap into the subconscious and explore words or phrasing that might be hidden there and just needing a nudge to the surface. One way to practice this type of writing is to write an abstract poem without punctuation or capitalization. Dont worry about rhyme or reason or anything that restricts the flow of thoughts as you write whatever comes to mind on the page. The important thing to keep in mind when completing a creative exercise like this is to not judge yourself harshly or think of it as anything anyone other than you will read. This kind of judgment-free zone in writing tends to make great words happen.Metaphors are one of the most powerful literary devices, especially in genres like poetry. Write a list of 15 normal events in your day (grocery shopping, dog walking, taking a shower) then create a metaphor for each that is as melodramatic or outlandish as possible. For example, Walking the dog was like a drag race between a go-cart and a Lamborghini.Building convincing characters often involves taking a look at the whole person- their physical description, psychological outlook, motivation and even their addictions. This is especially difficult when it is a character very much unlike you. Complete a character sketch for yourself, including your physical description along with a description of your education level, socioeconomic status, addictions, motivations, hopes, fears and personality type. Now do the same thing for a character that would be the exact opposite of you in a story. Be sure to check out our post on creating character sketches for a free template.Heres another exercise to practice building bel ievable characters: Write down five important life questions that are meaningful to you. For example, you might write, Is there a God? or What is our purpose in life? Now answer those questions to the best of your ability, including the reason you believe what you believe. Finally, choose your favorite character from literature (it can be a good guy or bad guy or somewhere in between) and answer those same questions again from the point of view of that character.Write a paragraph that describes three of your favorite colors as if you were describing them to someone who has been colorblind their entire life. Then, below that, write a paragraph describing your favorite song to someone who is deaf by using sensory details that do not involve hearing.Write a conversation between two strangers conducting simple business that takes far longer than it should take. For example, it could be a bill collector and a debtor, or a bus driver and a passenger. Try to stretch the conversation out as far as you can without venturing into the surreal.Go to a location where you hear a lot of conversations happening around you at once. Listen carefully and pick out pieces of dialogue from three or four conversations and write those down. Finally, combine all the dialogue together in one conversation between two people in a way that makes logical sense.Find a short story that you have never read before and read the first half of it. Then, write the second half as you see it happening before finally reading the end of the original story to see how your re-write differed.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Understanding the Characteristics of Democracy essays
Understanding the Characteristics of Democracy essays When we speak of democracy, one thing that has become clear is the different notions we have of the idea itself. Perhaps, this conflict comes from our views of what we would like our perfect democracy to be or reflect. This difference of opinions is growing even more nowadays, partly because of the increase of democratic regimes around the world. When a fundamental political, social, or cultural idea spreads as is the case of the idea of democracy, it also gives birth to new versions, views, methods, which as well as strengthening democracy, give it a much-needed sense of conflict, so it can keep growing and expanding. So, the question we must ask ourselves in relation to this is, "Where is our conflict with the ever-changing idea of democracy, what parts of this idea reflect our views, and where do we see the need for change?" and perhaps the question for others should be, "Does democracy really exist?" Do we feel that our democracy fulfills its duties to us, its citizens? Perhaps this is a good starting point since this question pinpoints a fundamental issue in all democratic regimes. How do we decide which duties are most essential and should be the main responsibilities for a democratic government to fulfill? We must keep in mind that the style of democracy that we will live under will be directly affected by this decision, because some democratic models tend to give importance to some aspects and not others. This perhaps explains why there isn't just one model of democracy, and there is a need for various systems to exist. Since a democratic model will exclude some ideas because they will directly conflict or hinder with other responsibilities it is trying to achieve. So, if we believe that individual rights and the protection of those rights are the only key aspects of a democratic government, we will not believe our necessities are being met if we live in a participative- democracy. This is because; the foundation of t...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Ann Richards Quotes
Ann Richards Quotes Ann Richards was governor of Texas from 1991-1995. When Ann Richards was elected State Treasurer in 1982, she was the first woman elected to statewide office in Texas since Ma Ferguson. Richards was reelected in 1986, unopposed, and then ran for governor in 1990. She came to national prominence with a keynote speech at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. In her 1994 reelection campaign, she lost to George W. Bush, the son of the presidential candidate shed skewered in 1988. Selected Ann Richards Quotations Im not afraid to shake up the system, and the government needs more shaking up than any other system I know. I have very strong feelings about how you lead your life. You always look ahead, you never look back. The here and now is all we have, and if we play it right its all well need. I have always had the feeling I could do anything and my dad told me I could. I was in college before I found out he might be wrong. They blame the low income women for ruining the country because they are staying home with their children and not going out to work. They blame the middle income women for ruining the country because they go out to work and do not stay home to take care of their children. I feel very strongly that change is good because it stirs up the system. I did not want my tombstone to read, She kept a really clean house. I think Id like them to remember me by saying, She opened government to everyone. Ive always said that in politics, your enemies cant hurt you, but your friends will kill you. Teaching was the hardest work I had ever done, and it remains the hardest work I have done to date. Let me tell you, sisters, seeing dried egg on a plate in the morning is a lot dirtier than anything Ive had to deal with in politics. Power is what calls the shots, and power is a white male game. If you think taking care of yourself is selfish, change your mind. If you dont, youre simply ducking your responsibilities. Im really glad that our young people missed the Depression, and missed the great big war. But I do regret that they missed the leaders that I knew. Leaders who told us when things were tough, and that we would have to sacrifice, and these difficulties might last awhile. They didnt tell us things were hard for us because we were different, or isolated, or special interests. They brought us together and they gave us a sense of national purpose. [1988 keynote address, Democratic National Convention] I have a real soft spot in my heart for librarians and people who care about books. You can put lipstick and earrings on a hog and call it Monique, but its still a pig. Women elected Bill Clinton this time. He acknowledges it, the country acknowledges it, and the columnists acknowledge it, and when you have that kind of political clout, you can effect change and do it well. And Im real proud to have been a part of that. I get a lot of cracks about my hair, mostly from men who dont have any. Let me tell you that I am the only child of a very rough-talking father. So dont be embarrassed about your language. Ive either heard it or I can top it. The public does not like you to mislead or represent yourself to be something youre not. And the other thing that the public really does like is the self-examination to say, you know, Im not perfect. Im just like you. They dont ask their public officials to be perfect. They just ask them to be smart, truthful, honest, and show a modicum of good sense. I believe in recovery, and I believe that as a role model I have the responsibility to let young people know that you can make a mistake and come back from it. There is a lot more to life than just struggling to make money. I thought I knew Texas pretty well, but I had no notion of its size until I campaigned it. Women, it was painfully clear, werent going to be allowed to use their brains and I certainly wanted to use mine. [Ive] been tested by fire and the fire lost. I hope all the WASP present and past will fly high on wings of our pride in their service ... you have my profound gratitude for the legacy you have given to us and the legacy you pass on to young women today. [about the Women Airforce Service Pilots] I believe Mama would have liked to have had more children, but times were hard and I was the only one. Daddy had the fear maybe that fear is indigenous to the Depression generation that he wouldnt be able to afford all the things he wanted to give me, and he wanted to give me everything hed never had. So they never had another child. Poor George, he cant help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth. [1988 keynote address, Democratic National Convention] I am delighted to be here with you this evening because after listening to George Bush all these years, I figured you needed to know what a real Texas accent sounds like. [1988 keynote address, Democratic National Convention] On How to Be a Good Republican: [excerpts] You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own.You have to be against all government programs, but expect Social Security checks on time.You have to believe...everything Rush Limbaugh says.You have to believe society is color-blind and growing up black in America doesnt diminish your opportunities, but you still wont vote for Alan Keyes.You have to be against government interference in business until your oil company, corporation or Savings and Loan is about to go broke and you beg for a government bailout.You have to believe a poor, minority student with a disciplinary history and failing grades will be admitted into an elite private school with a $1,000 voucher. Most of all, I remember those children in the classrooms and those kids who grabbed me around the knees, and I think of the old people who really need a voice when theyre trapped in wheelchairs in dirty nursing homes. The person in this office really must have a conscience to know that how they direct this government dramatically affects the lives of those people. Jill Buckley on Ann Richards: Shes sort of the female good old boy. You paid the price to some degree. You lost the governorship of Texas because this country still is a little bit schizoid, isnââ¬â¢t it, about the role of women in American politics? [1996 question of newsman Tom Brokaw to Ann Richards] More Womens Quotes: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Explore Womens Voices and Womens History Womens Voices - About Womens QuotesBiographies of WomenToday in Womens HistoryWomens History Home About These Quotes Quote collection assembled by Jone Johnson Lewis. Each quotation page in this collection and the entire collection à © Jone Johnson Lewis. This is an informal collection assembled over many years. I regret that I am not able to provide the original source if it is not listed with the quote. Citation information:Jone Johnson Lewis. Ann Richards Quotes. About Womens History. URL: . Date accessed: (today). (More on how to cite online sources including this page)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
For two companies with which you are familiar, compare and contrast Essay
For two companies with which you are familiar, compare and contrast the main operations processes in terms of their volume, vari - Essay Example In simpler terms, operation management is the conversion of input into output using the resources available to the organization with an aim to meet the organizational objectives such as efficiency, consistency and effectiveness (Kumar and Suresh, 2009). This assignment will highlight the factors such as volume, variety, variation and visibility of two automobile organizations, i.e. BMW and Nissan. To further highlight the importance of operation management in companyââ¬â¢s success, the performance objectives, i.e. speed, quality, dependability, flexibility and cost, would be analyzed in order to evaluate the respective operation strategies of both the companies. COMPARING AND CONTRASTING OPERATION MANAGEMENT To compare and contrast the operation management in automobile industry, two familiar and recognized organizations BMW and Nissan have been selected. Both companies would be analyzed and evaluated in terms of volume, variety, variation and visibility characteristics. NISSAN Ni ssan is the worldââ¬â¢s fourth largest automobile manufacturer. The company is located in Japan. With its aim to enrich the lives of its customers by providing them with high quality cars, the company operates in a number of countries. With the use of technology, the company aims to provide its customers with innovative vehicles. In order to evaluate the companyââ¬â¢s operation management and its processes, volume, variety, variation and visibility characteristics have been analyzed one by one. Volume In order to consistently meet the demands of the customers, the company manufactures vehicles in high volume. This repetition of the processes has made the workforce specialize in the operation processes which eventually lead to the low units cost. With the ability to manufacture vehicles at low cost, the company is capital intensive. Variety To effectively meet the needs of the customers, Nissan provides them with variety of vehicles. With extensive product line at Nissan, the c ompany is able to attract the customers in the market. The variety in product line at Nissan includes sports cars, minivans and vans, trucks and pickup trucks (Nissan, 2013). With such variety, the company is able to match the needs of the customers effectively. Variation The variation in demand for Nissanââ¬â¢s vehicle is low. This implicates that the demand is predictable and the variation in the vehicle is stable. With low variation in demand, the cost associated with the manufacturing of vehicle is also low. Visibility characteristics In operations management, visibility character indicates the level of activities that can be observed by the customer. In Nissanââ¬â¢s case, the visibility characteristics are low which indicates that the company utilizes its staff effectively. Since the time lag between the production and consumption is high, the visibility factor could be said as low. BMW BMW continuously strives to become the leader in the automobile industry and to do so, the company provide its customers with high quality vehicles to enrich their customerââ¬â¢s experience. The company is one of the top quality vehicle providers in the globe due to which the company charges premium price from its customers. Being the worldââ¬â¢s leader of premium products, the company has its own unique identity and persona. The same way Nissan
Friday, October 18, 2019
Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Narrative - Essay Example I was however born with a rebellious streak and this made me meet my male friends at a place, the rock-side park that we had designated for this purpose. (Appositive) It was peaceful, cheerful and had a wonderful scent to it, and my only goal at the time was to change peopleââ¬â¢s mindsets, despite being so young, with regard to accepting the fact that girls and boys can be friends. Soon, among all my friends, I grew to have a close bond with Ali. Ali and I grew to be very attached to each other as we would always play together and go for walks. I shared every thought with him and both of us were teased by all our other friends. ââ¬Å"You both are going to end up getting married one day!â⬠one of them would remark. ââ¬Å"And then you will have little babies to play with!â⬠another would add childishly. Ali and I always laughed these taunts off because at the time we did not understand the concept of marriage. We would often walk to the candy store, team up in games together and share our problems and achievements with each other. As time passed, our relationship grew into a very strong bond of friendship that no one could break. Ali was always protective of me and watched out for me. We stuck to each other during the good and the bad times and grew to become extremely fond of each other. While playing games, Ali and I would always side together in teams and defeat the others. Our friends would always tell us, ââ¬Å"Both of you make an excellent pair!â⬠Soon though, my family, including myself, relocated to the United States of America, and at that time, I was apprehensive of the relationship that shared with Ali. Till the time that we were together, things were good for us however, we had never given any thought to what life would be like without the other person around. We did not realise that we had grown so close to each other that it was impossible to spend some time apart.
Marine Cargo Surveyors Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Marine Cargo Surveyors - Research Paper Example Marine surveyors have invented their personal businesses, desiring to offer their services to a number of clients and to make sure they embrace fair views in their job. In addition, they rejoice and enjoy professional independence. But others are permanent employees of the marine insurers and their clients, thus enabling the vital mediators in damage claims. As far as their training services are concerned, marine surveyors normally join the field through apprenticeship or they achieve a diploma from a technical institution or professional association in marine surveying (United States Congress, 1860). Reasons of maritime cargo surveyors According to Davies M & Force R (2005), Marine surveyors carry out hull and machinery surveys, evaluate the sale and purchase of the ship, check the general and weather conditions of before shipment and arrival of the vessel. Involve in certifying reports and progress of marine consultants, examine the classification surveys, and carry out the investi gation and surveys of loss and damages. Generally, marine surveyorsââ¬â¢ participation therefore has to seek without relaxation once damage or loss is recognized. Additionally, the surveyor must take pleasure in uninterfered access to the interest matter of claim to ensure he may arrange every required consultant with independent professionals. Consequently, cargo surveyors are meant to perform the activities such as cargo surveys and quality inspection, sampling, damage cargo survey, inspection of agriculture products, draft surveys, investigation of contamination and shortage of bulk cargo, and supervising offloading and loading of containerized cargo. Workings of maritime cargo surveyors Marine cargo surveyors read the documents of the vessels that set forward securing procedures and cargo loading, initiate stability factors, and capacities to determine cargo capabilities according to cargo regulations and design as suggested by Nichols & Williams (2008). Marine surveyors chec k loaded, secured cargo in holds and tied to decks to determine that relevant cargo handling regulations have been surveyed. They measures depth of water and fuel in tanks as well as ship holds by using tape measure, reed drafts markings, and sounding line to determine the depth of the ship. Moreover, for surveyors to determine the volume of stored water and fuel, hold capacities, vessel stability factors and weight of the cargo, they calculate it by using calculator and mathematical standard methods. In addition to that, they examine cargoes of maritime vessels to verify compliance with international and national safety and health regulations in cargo storage and handling. Marine surveyors also issues certificates of conformity when infringements are recognized. Give crew advises in the techniques of packing heavy and dangerous cargo, like shoring, extra support beams, and extra stronger lashings, according to the skills of hazards when ferrying explosives, grain, heavy machinery a nd logs. Lastly, thy examine information achieved from survey, documents reports of research, and prepares recommendations relating to the capacity of the ship, marine surveyors help in coronersââ¬â¢ inquiries and attend court cases as a professional witness. Ultimately, they examine the devices of cargo handling like hoists, boom
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Technologies in media have the most potential for the future Essay
Technologies in media have the most potential for the future - Essay Example the television media, which made passing of information be appreciated substantially since it was capable of representing the news using both sound and video (Kumar 43). On the discovery of the internet, the media became transformed immensely. The internet was appreciated in the media field since it helped in effective representation of news and enabled the mass to have the satisfaction in reliability and access of information (Kumar 28). Developments in the digital technology have changed the way individuals get information. In this paper, the use of digital technology in the media for the future generation will be discussed. The use of digital technology has the most potential for the future in the media industry. Since the development of the digital technology, the media have changed in the way they present news. For instance, with the digital technology, the media have a different way of presenting news from analog to digital. This has made the media give information in an easier and effective way than before. With the emergence of the internet, there have been tremendous changes in the way people get news. People prefer using the internet to get information rather than watching the news on TV (Winston 5). Internet seems to be a development in technology in the media, which is essential for the future generation. Various reasons have been put forward supporting why the internet has huge potential in the expectations of the media industry. One of the reasons is that; the internet is a quicker way of getting information than all other forms. People are capable of getting information that they require in a single click of a mouse. The internet remains the fastest way of getting any information needed (Uwakwe 63). Hence, a vas number of individuals will rely on the internet now and in the upcoming days, in order to get a report that is needed urgently. The internet is preferred by most individuals since it is possible to research on an item and get a wide range
Seat belt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Seat belt - Essay Example The UK government tries to enforce the seat belt policy which was first implemented in 1983 (BBC News, 2009). Seat belts have saved 35,000 lives in the UK in the past 25 years. In 2007, 1432 car occupants were killed in car accidents out of which 34% had not belted up (BBC News, 2009). Seat belts and child restraints are secondary safety devices designed to minimize and prevent injury to the car occupants when a crash occurs (FIA Foundation, 2009). They reduce the contact with the interior of the vehicle thereby reducing the severity of the injuries if it occurs. They also prevent the occupants from being ejected from the vehicle in addition to preventing injury to other occupants of the vehicle. Studies conducted throughout the world have shown conclusively that seat belts if worn properly can save lives. Usage of seat belts reduces the probability of being killed by 40-50% of the drivers and front seat passengers and by about 25% for the rear seat passengers (FIA Foundation, 2009). Seat belts have been found to be most effective in frontal impacts and in run-off-the-road crashes. However, even though the seat belts have been suitably designed and the law formulated and implemented, valuable lives are still lost as people ignore warnings. Wearing the seat belt can increase the chances of survival in a crash or reduce the likelihood of serious injury (National Accident Helpline, 2010) but most people do not pay heed to such warning especially for short journeys. Seat belts limit the forward motion of the occupant which slows down the occupantââ¬â¢s deceleration in a crash. This prevents the occupantââ¬â¢s ejection from the vehicle. Both drivers and passengers in the UK have to follow the national seat belt law (Hartman, 2012). If the car is equipped with seat belts the driver and the passengers both in the front and back seats have to wear the seat belts. If the passenger violates the law the passengers is ticketed and not the driver. However, the driver is
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
VISUAL ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
VISUAL ANALYSIS - Essay Example Therefore, we can say that the target market of this classy advertisement, are mostly consumers belonging to the upper class. From the warm expression on the manââ¬â¢s face, and the childââ¬â¢s similar manner, it can be deduced that they are father and son. The presence of wedding band further strengthens this observation by showing the marital status of the man. All the minor detailing of the fatherââ¬â¢s clothing, such as his accessories, proves that he belongs from the privileged class, and the childââ¬â¢s clothing also speaks of wealth. From their body languages, there seems to be a presence of a relationship based on trust, respect, and fondness, between them. It seems that the father is trying to set an impressive example, and the son is looking up to him as a role model. On the whole, the advertisement with its creative text and the refined setting, is giving the message that a Patek Philippe watch increases the value of the person wearing it, and lasts generations. It is also shown that this watch can reinforce the warm and solid relationship between a father and a son. A father will buy this watch, thinking that one day he will pass it on to his son, and the son will always keep it, and cherish it, as a revered memorabilia. From the old times, watches have held special importance in the manââ¬â¢s heart. They are always associated with a personââ¬â¢s social status, personal taste, and economic prosperity. Whether it is a graduation present, gifted from a proud father to his young son, or a wedding present, given as a welcoming sign to son-in-law, watches always forge and solidify a significant bond between the giver and the receiver. When it comes to the upper class, high-end watches are associated with the social power and financial prestige. The advertisements of Rolex, TAG Heuer, Cartier, Movado etc., always either feature wealthy successful men, or shows settings that depicts a luxurious and prosperous life,
Seat belt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Seat belt - Essay Example The UK government tries to enforce the seat belt policy which was first implemented in 1983 (BBC News, 2009). Seat belts have saved 35,000 lives in the UK in the past 25 years. In 2007, 1432 car occupants were killed in car accidents out of which 34% had not belted up (BBC News, 2009). Seat belts and child restraints are secondary safety devices designed to minimize and prevent injury to the car occupants when a crash occurs (FIA Foundation, 2009). They reduce the contact with the interior of the vehicle thereby reducing the severity of the injuries if it occurs. They also prevent the occupants from being ejected from the vehicle in addition to preventing injury to other occupants of the vehicle. Studies conducted throughout the world have shown conclusively that seat belts if worn properly can save lives. Usage of seat belts reduces the probability of being killed by 40-50% of the drivers and front seat passengers and by about 25% for the rear seat passengers (FIA Foundation, 2009). Seat belts have been found to be most effective in frontal impacts and in run-off-the-road crashes. However, even though the seat belts have been suitably designed and the law formulated and implemented, valuable lives are still lost as people ignore warnings. Wearing the seat belt can increase the chances of survival in a crash or reduce the likelihood of serious injury (National Accident Helpline, 2010) but most people do not pay heed to such warning especially for short journeys. Seat belts limit the forward motion of the occupant which slows down the occupantââ¬â¢s deceleration in a crash. This prevents the occupantââ¬â¢s ejection from the vehicle. Both drivers and passengers in the UK have to follow the national seat belt law (Hartman, 2012). If the car is equipped with seat belts the driver and the passengers both in the front and back seats have to wear the seat belts. If the passenger violates the law the passengers is ticketed and not the driver. However, the driver is
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Myth Analysis Essay Example for Free
Myth Analysis Essay There once was a goddess with a mystical power that made everyone happy; as long as she was happy they were happy. That goddessââ¬â¢ name was Ella. Ella has a twin brother named Evan. Evan has the power of mind-control. Ella lived high in the sky on clouds amongst the other god. Ella and the other gods got along very well especially when she was in a good mood. After living in the clouds for a very long time all the gods got tired of doing regular deeds for themselves. They decided to do something big to create something. They all joined together in a big circle around the largest cloud and spun around three-hundred-and-sixty-five times. As they all came to a halt, they all peered off the edge of Evanââ¬â¢s humongous cloud they noticed a gigantic sphere. The gods got together and decided to call this gigantic sphere Earth. The gods soon learned that they could travel to Earth and that life could survive on Earth by the god James who had the power to make life human and animal. As soon as word broke that life was able to survive on Earth they gods asked James to make them serpents. James was fine with this as long as the other gods let these serpents have some free time also. After James said yes, almost every god had serpents except Ella. Ella has been happy for a while, until one day Gus the god of wind blew her cloud near the sun. Ella demanded Gus blow her cloud back, Gus unfortunately couldnââ¬â¢t. When Ella got to her cloud she realized her feet were extremely hot because the ground of the cloud was hot. Ella wanted a shoe that would not slow her down, a shoe that was light and mystical just like her. Ella soon became very sad because she didnââ¬â¢t know how to make shoes. After Ella became sad, so did all the other gods. Once James got sad he offered her several serpents. Ella got super excited; she accepted the serpents from James. James had taught Ella a trick to get serpents to the clouds, which he taught to all the gods. James to Ella to snap, as soon as she did she was at her house on her cloud; she was impressed. As soon as Ella and the serpents started walking their feet began burning, she told them that burning sensation was what she felt. Ella snapped her fingers again; both her and her serpents were back on Earth. Most of the serpents made shoes of wood. They carved using tools Shiloh the goddess of tools had given them, with their hands. Ella did not want wooden shoes that were far from what she wanted; she looked to her last serpent that had a very strong leaf in his hand. Ella asked this man what he was doing with a leaf, he replied simply ââ¬Å"making you a shoe.â⬠Ella asked ââ¬Å"out of a measly little leaf?â⬠The man was very wise he traded with a serpent of Veronica the goddess of strength and power which can obtain in animals or plants. The man told Ella that the ââ¬Å"measly little leafâ⬠was very strong because of Veronica. Also the man told Ella that the leaf could be used as the bottom part of the shoe. Ella took the leaf from the old man and put it on her foot she realized that there was nothing holding that bottom part of the shoe or leaf to her foot, so she told the serpent. The serpent had an idea. He told Ella that if they poke three holes in the leaf like a triangle, one at the top two on the sides, using stems of flowers also. Ella thought this idea was brilliant. Ella knew she couldnââ¬â¢t do that without help from Veronica again. So Veronica and Ella come together and pair up as a team. Veronica made strong stems of flowers by moving jumping the higher and faster she jumped, the stronger and taller the plant would be. Finally Veronica gave the stems to the serpent and he put the m in the holes and tied knots at the end of each hole. To make sure the knots were as tight as they could be they had to pair up with another god Zack god of wisdom and strength. Zack tied the knots so tight that they could not be loosened. Just to make sure that the knots would not come undone and would stay forever the serpent suggested a collaboration with Fresh. Fresh was the god of fire. After hearing what the serpent had suggested just to be on the safe side Ella, agreed with this collaboration. Ella really didnââ¬â¢t want to have Fresh involved because bad things tend to happen when he is around. When Ella first heard of the words come out of the serpents mouth she threw the shoe. While in the air the shoe did a flip and it hit a tree made a big WHACK, and had a very loud FLOP. Ella liked that sound, she wanted to hear it again so she threw shoe again. Finally Fresh came, to tighten the knots with fire. He rubbed his thumb and middle finger together and a spark of fire appeared. As soon as the spark appeared he put the fire on the knots and then snapped to make the fire go away. As soon as Ella saw the finished product she was amazed. She tried the shoe on it had a strap like a v shape. She remembered when she threw the shoe how it flipped and then made a loud FLOP. She named these shoes flip-flops.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Causes of Absenteeism and High Turnover of Staff
Causes of Absenteeism and High Turnover of Staff You have been employees as the human resource manger of a company. You have checked through the company record on turnover of absenteeism in the company for the past 6 months. Identify the causes of absenteeism and high turnover staffs in your company. Absenteeism occurs when employees are not present at work when they are scheduled to be there. It can be divided into voluntary or involuntary absenteeism. Involuntary absence is viewed to be beyond the employees immediate control; legitimate reasons like personal illness, accidents or family emergencies. Voluntary absence is under the direct control of the employee which can often be traced back to other factors such as a poor work environment, job dissatisfaction and other issues. If such absences become excessive, they can have a seriously adverse impact on a companys operations and, ultimately, its profitability. The causes of absenteeism and high turnover staff are: Low wages: The prospect of getting higher pay elsewhere is one of the most obvious contributors to turnover. Every industry has organizations that pay well and some that pay low. Employees might stay a little longer in times of recession because no other work is available, but they know theyre being exploited and will be looking for a way out. Work environment: Turnover tends to be higher in environments where employees feel they are taken advantage of, where they feel undervalued or ignored, and where they feel helpless or unimportant. Clearly, if managers are impersonal, arbitrary, and demanding, there is greater risk of alienation and turnover. Management policies: Management policies can also affect the environment which can lead to high turnover as well. In a way such as whether employee benefits and incentives appear generous or stingy, or whether the company is responsive to employees needs and wants. Managements handling of major corporate events such as mergers or layoffs is also an important influence on the work environment afterwards. Weak team leadership: Even if someone has been trained to do a specific job, they are usually working as part of team. They are alongside people with complementary roles, who together deliver a process or solution.à If team lack strong leadership they will not function well, which will lead to disagreements and relationship breakdown. Poor training: Asking employees often to do a job but not giving them adequate training will in fact de-motivate the employees and hence allow them to leave the company. Work stress: Work stress experienced at particular types of jobs can also create turnover. Seasonal changes: seasonal changes such as the beginning of a school year can cause high turnover when part-timer, school-age employees return to their classrooms. Demographically specific: Some turnover is demographically specific, particularly for women who are balancing significant work and family duties at the same time. Such women (or men) may choose to leave a company instead of sacrificing their other interests and responsibilities in order to make the job work out. These factors translate into higher turnover rates for women in many companies. Inequitable evaluation: while preparing the performance appraisal of an employee, some mangers will unfairly evaluate the employees performance which in fact de-motivate them and hence lead to high turnover rate. Strained communications between management and employee: When a lack of communication exists in the organizational setting it has the potential to cause significant problems between management and employees. For each case identified above, suggest way(s) in which the staffs can be motivated to remedy the situation. Low wages: according to F W Taylor, the motive for hard work is high wages. The company has to pay high wages to their employees in order to remedy the situation. Work environment: the manger must give high and equal importance to all of his employees, so that they feel who valuable they are to the company and therefore will be motivated to remedy the situation. Management policies: the management policies should meet the employees expectation. Providing them incentive and benefits to motivate them to remedy the situation. Weak team leadership: Teams perform at their best under clear leadership, where someone has a vision of how the team should work and the level at which it should perform. Poor training:à the company must provide with an accurate account of training to their employees to develop their knowledge in those skills and aptitudes which contribute to the welfare of the company and employees. Work stress: the manger must give their employees with a certain number jobs which the employees can able handle and accomplish smoothly at a given time. Seasonal changes: at the time of evaluation and selection the manager must avoid selecting part-timers, or at the time of evaluation the manger must take into consideration the number of hours that the employee can give to the company and the length of his service in order to reduce the turnover rate. Demographically specific: at the time of evaluation, mangers must select those women who are unmarried. Inequitable evaluation: the management must evaluate the employees performance fairly with specific concentrating on his/her performance. Strained communications between management and employee: Improving communication between management and employees requires a focus onà effective communication and leadership management. The following are some important keys to an effective communication: Clarity Active Listening Patience Honesty Awareness of Body Language Question 2 You are the human resource management of the company. Explain how you identify a particular individual for training. Everyone has personal and often unique training and development needs. Such needs may be the result of ambition, career progression, inadequate job performance, or simply to meet changing demands of job or occupation. The purpose of this handout is to outline the process of identifying individual training and development needs and the involvement of the trainer. NO Is Performance Correctable? Is Performance Satisfactory? Is Performance Satisfactory? YES By asking some of these basic questions, it can be able to roughly categorize people and their respective job performance. The outcome of this exercise is to group people into three broad categories. People whose job performance is unsatisfactory and for whom training is probably a necessity. People whose job performance is satisfactory, but may need training in order to maintain this level of performance. People whose job performance is more than satisfactory and whose need for training is for development purposes. Using these categories as a starting point the trainer can ask more detailed question about a person, gradually building up a picture of the individual and using it to identify training needs. To ensure that the training is effective and meet the objectives of the organization, explain how training should be conducted. People must be interested in learning and be willing to learn before they will accept training. The operational objectives of the training should be known by those responsible for it and by those involved in it. Time constraints and performance standards should be predetermined and also made known. Training must be geared to the individual needs of those being trained and be seen to be so. Training must be done either by supervisor or manger, or by an agency acting within a pattern fully understood and approved by the supervisor or manger, and which he will subsequently maintain and reinforce. The rate of training should equal the rate at which an individual can learn, and this should be confirmed by testing. People can learn by being told or shown how to do work, but best of all from the personal involvement of doing wok accepted standards under skilled coaching. Training should be planned, executed and evaluated systematically, in the context of organizational needs. Discuss the issues in the article. According to the article the Singapore government has setup S$600 million to train the workers to develop their knowledge skill. The employers will get higher subsides, up to 90% of course fees, for workers who attend programmes at any continuing education and training centre. For the first time, the low-skilled will be paid $4 for every hour that they are on course. The higher-skilled can get up to $1,000 a month while on training. Half the amount will be use to develop training centre and the rest will be paid out to employers, workers and jobless Singaporeans o course. This will have a great impact on the countrys economy. The unemployment rate will significantly drop and by this great strategy of the government, it will effectively reduce the high turnover rates in the companies and will develop their skills to a certain level.
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